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 Name:Jiayan Zhu
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Attended the Democratic Marathon Protests!


Jiayan Zhu: Trading of Official Positions in China

20-30 million Yuan (RMB), few of Chinese people have seen that much money. What is concept of this mount of the money? 400 Yuan are enough to pay a student's one-year tuition. 3600 Yuan can support a kid to finish nine grades. 25 million Yuan can offer all nine years tuition payments for 7000 persons. The Project of Hope has collected a massive amount of money from a massive amount of peoples. However, we doubt that how many Yuan were used on the poor students. I am afraid that a lot of money has become the officials' cars, wines and women. In China, it exists allover the nation that the mayors and vice mayors save 20-30 million Yuan for their families. I mean, almost all the mayors and vice mayors.

We all know that on the last stage of the Qing Dynasty, it was popular to sell official positions. It goes even further in current China. For example, 500 thousand for a position of a department commissioner and one million Yuan for a position as a chief executive of a borough. 100 years ago, they labeled the positions with prices and opened them to the public. Anybody could buy as long as he was able to. In contrast, it requires privities and hidden rules besides money. They sell the positions for more money after they have spent a considerable amount on it. The reason is they want to make money after paying off the cost. So, they can make fortunes for their women, their children and grandchildren.

In China, the government strikes the corruption every year. How? They advocate their success widely when arresting someone who is not that important. As a result, they can satisfy the people. At the meantime, they offer a safer way for those officials to accumulate filthy lucre. Because they tell the people that the government has been purified and the officials now are clean.  

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